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Request Data

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Request Data

Who can request data from the Australian Government?

All organisations can make a request to access Australian Government data through Dataplace from October 2022.

Who can make a data request under the DATA Scheme?

Australian, state and territory government bodies and Australian Universities can request Australian Government data under the DATA Scheme once they have become accredited.

For national security and other reasons, some Australian Government entities are excluded from the Scheme and some types of data cannot be shared. Excluded entities include intelligence and law enforcement entities such as the Australian Federal Police and the Australian Security and Intelligence Organisation. Some data held by Home Affairs and AUSTRAC cannot be shared. Foreign entities are unable to access data under the DATA Scheme.

Download the How to share data under the DATA Scheme document below to read more.

How to share data under the DATA Scheme
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Accreditation serves as a gateway into the DATA Scheme, and ensures users are capable of handling public sector data and minimising risk of unauthorised access or use.

To become an Accredited User, Commonwealth, state and territory government bodies must be assessed by the Minister against criteria. Where necessary, the Minister can impose conditions on accreditation. The Commissioner is responsible for assessing accreditation of Australian universities.

The Commissioner is responsible for assessing accreditation of data service providers. Where necessary, the Commissioner can impose conditions on accreditation.

Apply for accreditation as a data user

Accredited data users are Commonwealth, state and territory government bodies and Australian universities accredited as capable of handling public sector data and minimising risk of unauthorised access or use.

Accredited data users may request Australian Government data for:

  • government service delivery
  • to inform government policies and programs, and
  • for research and development.

The following guidance has been prepared to support your application for accreditation as a data user:

  • User Accreditation Application Checklist (here)
  • Sample User Accreditation Form (here)
  • Expected characteristics for User accreditation (here)

To lodge an application for user accreditation under the DATA Scheme, use the online form available on Dataplace.

Apply for accreditation as a data service provider

Accredited Data Service Providers are Commonwealth, state and territory government bodies, and Australian universities that are able to provide one or more of the following services:

  • complex data integration,
  • de-identification, and
  • secure data access services to support data sharing.

An organisation may be accredited as a data service provider with conditions. For example, they may have a condition that excludes a data service where the Accredited Data Service Provider does not meet the required capability level for that data service.

We have developed the following guidance for those planning to apply to become accredited data service providers (or ADSPs):

  • ADSP Application Checklist (here)
  • ADSP Application Form (here)
  • Expected characteristics for ADSP accreditation (here)
  • Instructions for making an ADSP application (here)
  • Evidence Guidance for ADSP applications (here)

Apply for accreditation as a data service provider under the DATA Scheme on Dataplace.

Apply for accreditation on Dataplace

Responding to Data Requests

Data Custodians have no duty to share data, but must respond to all data sharing requests they receive from Accredited Users within a reasonable timeframe under the DATA Scheme. If refusing a request, Data Custodians must provide reasons to Accredited Users.

Data Custodians must maintain a record of data sharing requests received and reasons for agreement or refusal to share, as these will need to be notified to the Commissioner to assist in preparing the annual report.