First release of the National Disability Data Asset

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First release of the National Disability Data Asset

The National Disability Data Asset (NDDA) is a new initiative involving data sharing across all jurisdictions in Australia and the first release of data is now available.

The NDDA results from series of collaborative data-sharing agreements under the DATA Scheme between Australian Government agencies, including the Department of Social Services, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare and the Australian Bureau of Statistics. 

Australian governments at all levels have worked with the disability community to bring together de-identified data from a broad range of sources to create a more comprehensive, accessible and valuable resource than ever before. 

The data asset will help us better understand the experiences of people with disability and better support them, their carers, and the community.

The Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 provides Commonwealth participants with the legal authorisation to share data into the NDDA. The Scheme’s tools and best practices ensure data sharing is safeguarded and used appropriately by the right people. 

The first release of the NDDA includes 18 data sets, bringing together a wealth of disability and health-related data from Commonwealth, state and territory governments. Key data sets in the first release include:

  • National Disability Insurance Scheme 
  • Medicare Benefits Schedule
  • Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme
  • Social security payments (Centrelink administrative data)
  • Survey of Disability, Ageing and Carers
  • South Australian hospitals

As part of this release, you can now make targeted NDDA requests directly to the ABS through Dataplace. Please contact to discuss your project before submitting an NDDA request. Requestors must be Accredited Users under the DATA Scheme.