DataPoints: an update on the DATA Scheme

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DataPoints: an update on the DATA Scheme

Data requests continue to grow!

In January, 3 new data requests were made using the Scheme and Dataplace. All relate to the newly released National Disability Data Asset, which aims to help us better understand the experiences of people with disability and better support them, their carers, and the community.

We are pleased to see the number of data requests continuing to increase. At the same time, we observe instances where Australian Government agencies are taking months to assess requests. ONDC is actively working with Data Custodians to assist them to work through requests. By onboarding to Dataplace, Data Custodians can ensure they are well positioned to respond to requests in a timely manner, in line with our guidance for responding to data sharing requests.

Dataplace and the Australian Government Data Catalogue

We are seeing further uptake of Dataplace, with 2 new organisations completing onboarding, taking the total to 115 at the end of January.

Since the release of the Australian Government Data Catalogue on Dataplace, universities have been exploring the catalogue and the range of data that is available to request from Data Custodians. For Australian Government agencies, we need you to publish your data holdings in the Australian Government Data Catalogue! You can contact us and find resources and templates to help you here.

Australian universities and Commonwealth, State and Territory Government agencies can get accredited to participate in the DATA Scheme, enabling access to data that previously could not be shared. The Scheme provides a trusted pathway for sharing, underpinned by strong safeguards and efficient processes.

Improvements we are delivering to make the DATA Scheme more efficient

We are making good progress implementing the actions identified by the working group to make it easier to use the Scheme.

We have released the short form data sharing template. It has been integrated into Dataplace. We have also published guidance on the requirements for using the template.

We concluded consultation on implementing the National Data Commissioner’s advice function. Thank you for your feedback. This will help establish an efficient process for requesting and receiving formal advice from the Commissioner about the operation of the Scheme.

Taking account of your feedback, we will soon release our final guidance on accessing and exiting data from the Scheme and on how those that cannot directly participate in the Scheme can still be involved in Scheme projects. 

We will be consulting you shortly on subordinate legislation that clarifies how state and territory rights as data custodians are preserved and protected under the DAT Act and how it can facilitate data sharing. Keep an eye on our website.

A new and improved ONDC website is coming soon!

The ONDC website is being rebuilt to improve user experience and site navigation. Have your say by completing this survey. It will take roughly 15 minutes to complete.

Want to learn more about the DATA Scheme and build your organisation’s data capability?

Our webinars are back!

  • How to become an accredited user – Wednesday 26 February, 9:30am AEDT – Register here.

Learn how to become an accredited user so you can request and access data.

  • Australian Government Data Catalogue – Effective metadata for improved data discoverability – Wednesday 26 February, 11:00am AEDT – Register here.

Join us for a discussion on how contributing high-quality metadata to the Australian Government Data Catalogue can help users find the data they need. This webinar is targeted toward Commonwealth Government agencies.

Good uses of public data

The Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics and Office of Road Safety have developed a new Road Safety Data Hub website enabling easier access to road safety data. Accessing this data can help pinpoint high-risk areas, drive innovative solutions, and ultimately save lives.

If you have feedback or something to share in future editions of DataPoints, please get in touch. We are always interested to hear your stories, including how you have used data to deliver public benefit. Also, make sure to follow us on LinkedIn!
