Publication of National Data Commissioner's Advice on NDDA
The Office of the National Data Commissioner (ONDC) has published advice provided by the National Data Commissioner under paragraph 43(aa) of the Data Availability and Transparency Act 2022 (the Act). This advice has been issued in response to a request from the NDDA Commonwealth Partners about the use of the Act to authorise access to the National Disability Data Asset (NDDA).
Instructions for Making an Accredited Data Service Provider Application
The Instructions for making an Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP) Application are provided to assist organisations in compiling and submitting an application to become an ADSP.
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Accredited Data Service Provider Application Checklist
The Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP) Application Checklist has been developed to assist your organisation with preparing an application to become an ADSP.
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Expected Characteristics for User Accreditation
The Expected Characteristics for User Accreditation have been developed to assist organisations when preparing an application for user accreditation.A web version can also be viewed here.
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Sample User Accreditation Form
The sample application incorporates all the questions that may appear in the online accreditation application form, together with guidance to help you to complete the form.
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User Accreditation Checklist
The User Accreditation Application Checklist has been developed to assist organisations with preparing their application for user accreditation.
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Evidence Guidance for ADSP Applications
The Evidence Guidance for Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP) Applications will guide organisations when preparing evidence to demonstrate they meet the criteria for accreditation as a data service provider.
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Accredited Data Service Provider Application Form
The provided form can be used for organisations to apply to be an Accredited Data Service Provider (ADSP).
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Data Inventory Template
The Data Inventory template has been provided to make it easier for Data Custodians to upload their metadata records on to the Catalogue.
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- Data Sharing
How to share data under the DATA Scheme
This document provides an overview of the data sharing process under the DATA Scheme, including the steps from requesting data through to commencement of data sharing.
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